Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30 More than meets the eye

Well, my last day of vacation was uneventful to say the least.  Lazed about and ate junk food. Tomorrow begins a new adventure in learning (microbiology) and getting fit (pilates and yoga.)
Work with toys.
It would be tediously boring to watch two thirty somethings play with Transformers so I'll spare you that part. FYI, these are Jeff's toys but I was able to turn Optimus into a robot ten minutes faster than he was, HAW!
The only time you'll see Nemesis Prime and Optimus Prime on the same side.  To fight Pugzilla!

As Pugzilla kicked Nemesis across the kitchen Prime made his attack!

Yet it doesn't look like any damage was done. I would call this war a draw.  nil-nil.

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